How Payflow Cut Forecast Deviation by 50% with Piper

Accurate forecasts, less CRM hassle, and stress-free vacations. Discover the expected—and surprising—benefits Payflow found with Piper.

100% Complete CRM Data & Updates.

50% Reduction in Forecast Variance.

0% Stress on Your Next Vacation.

Get Piper


Payflow, a fast-growing FinTech company dedicated to maintaining investor confidence, faced challenges with forecast accuracy and administrative overload.


  • Integrate Piper to streamline data entry and administrative tasks.
  • Channel newfound time and energy into deeper analysis, smarter decision-making, and investor relationship.


50% Boost in Forecast Accuracy

Payflow, a fast-growing FinTech company dedicated to maintaining investor confidence, faced challenges with forecast accuracy and administrative overload.

From Admin Overload to Sales Success

By comparing Account Executives using Piper with those who didn’t, Payflow discovered that Piper cut admin time by 50%. This allowed their AEs to focus more on what truly matters: closing deals.

Plus Stress-Free Vacations

An unexpected benefit: peace of mind during vacations. With the CRM automatically updated after each call and email, handovers before time off are smooth and comprehensive. Returning to work is hassle-free, with everything well-organized and accessible.

“The information I have in the forecast is much more accurate. Thanks to Piper, our forecast deviation has been reduced by 50%.”
Ramon Coll
VP of Sales - Payflow

Talk to Piper and unleash insights
from every data point

Cut CRM admin tasks by up to 50%.
Keep your team aligned effortlessly.
Minimize forecasting errors for confident decisions.
Focus on closing deals and building strong client relationships.
Be the revenue champion you’re meant to be.

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